
There are numerous ghost towns throughout the Ouray, Silverton, and Telluride area. 这些以前的采矿城镇有些很小, 只有少数人居住的, 而另一些则有数千名居民. 这个地区的大部分鬼城, 因为漫长而艰难的冬季, 现在是光秃秃的,只有几栋建筑还在吗. 这些历史遗迹是“真正的鬼魂”.“你会发现过去的阴影. 有些城镇可以乘客车到达, but most are located in remote areas only accessible by four-wheel drive.

参观这些鬼城,回到过去. Stand in ramshackle bunkhouses, once occupied by brave souls seeking fortunes. 即使你身临其境, it's difficult to imagine the hardships experienced by the individuals who once worked thousands of feet underground in cold, 脏, 和沉闷的环境.

在你对这些废弃矿区的探索中, 小心任何未受保护的入口和竖井. 不要让孩子在无人看管的情况下四处游荡. 请离开网站,你找到他们的方式. Do not help in the further destruction of these sites by carrying away any pieces of their history.

The following sites are only a small fraction of those that exist in the San Juan Mountains surrounding Ouray.


1896年由托马斯·沃尔什创立. 世界上最富有和最著名的矿山之一, 该矿的产量超过26美元,000,在1896年到1910年间,他赚了1万美元. The mill itself was sold to a Canadian company, Mongolian Gold, in 1995. 磨坊被拆解了, 运往蒙古, and reassembled for use in a significantly smaller capacity than was the case at the 鸟坑营地.

Located off Hwy 550 near the crest of Red Mountain Pass—this is the site of the National Bell Mine. During its booming years, there were as many as 10,000 inhabitants living in 红山镇. 在它所有的荣耀中, 它有100多家企业, 邮局, 监狱, 学校, 报纸, 轿车, 还有赌场. 冬天s were extremely rough and only the most rugged individuals stayed. 1892年至1937年间的几场大火几乎夷平了这座城镇. 然而, 不管环境有多困难, 价值超过三千万美元的黄金, 银, 引领, 锌, 这个地区的铜已经被开采出来了. You can overlook this town site from Hwy 550 at the Idarado Mine turnoff or park your car at the Red Mountain Pass area and hike into the town site.

Ironton Townsite
Ironton, 成立于1883年,海拔800英尺, is located at the north end of the Red Mountain Mining District. 那是一个极其富裕的城镇, important as a transportation junction and a stage and supply center. The water in this area contained sulphuric acid, which ate up the metal machinery used in the mines. This was the main factor that 引领 to the closing of this area's mines. 人口在800到1000人之间. 这包括在边远地区的地雷和寄宿公寓. 有几座建筑仍然屹立不倒. 通过提供稳定资金的赠款, the Red Mountain Project is currently stabilizing two of the three houses left standing in what was once the town of Ironton.

Located on the 百万美元高速公路 1-1/2 miles south of the Ironton town site. It was established in 1902 for the purpose of draining water from rich mines further to the south. This beautiful boarding house stands proudly as a reminder of its past and the prosperous mining boom.

位于11,800英尺, 在特柳赖德以南的62号高速公路旁, 阿尔塔 was an active mining camp but never incorporated as a town. 在黄金繁荣时期,它的最高人口是100人. Cabins, a boarding house, and outhouse buildings are still standing. A beautiful lake sits a short distance up the road from the site.


1875年11月成立,180英尺高度, residents once boasted that 与叉 was the largest city in the world... 在这个高度. The offer of free land and help with building one’s house lured over 1,000 residents to the town. 与叉 served many mines in the area, mainly the Gold Prince at the upper end of Placer Gulch. The town boomed in the 1870s and 1880s but was mostly deserted by the 1920s. 这个城镇饱受雪崩之苦, which frequently destroyed buildings and kept travelers from entering and residents from leaving. 目前仍有各种各样的建筑屹立不倒. 托马斯·沃尔什在阿尼玛斯拥有一座带凸窗的大房子, 就在他著名的伯德营地袭击之前.


这个矿建于1880年,海拔11英尺,在500英尺高的冰川马戏团被称为野蛮盆地. In 1897, the mine was sold to the Rothchilds of London for two-million dollars. The 假小子我 had a peak population of 900 hardy souls but closed in 1927 when the ore ran out, 然而, 在生产出数百万美元的黄金之前. 在二十世纪早期, the area would inspire Harriet Fish 回来us to write her memoir “Tomboy Bride”. This mine is located one mile from the Smuggler up the Imogene Pass road. Be sure you’re an experienced four-wheeler before attempting to visit this ghost town or you may take a local tour to the site. Imogene is the second highest pass in Colorado and is rated a 4/5 out of 5 as far as difficulty and danger.

This is an extremely high-altitude basin that was the location of the Virginius and Mountain Top Mines. 这两个矿井都位于12,000英尺以上. The boarding house of the Mountain Top Mine is still standing today.

乔治T. Lee who envisioned that his city would be named the new capitol of Colorado, 而不是丹佛, 1876年建立了国会城. He even built a brick mansion in preparation for what he hoped would be his eventual appointment as Governor. The post office was established in 1877 but then discontinued in 1920. 1885年,人口只有120人.

The Tobasco小屋 is the last standing structure from the large Tobasco Mine and Mill gold mining site near the summit of Cinnamon Pass between Lake City and Silverton, CO. 小屋是建造的.建于1902年,是该项目最后保留的结构.

卡森是科罗拉多州最难进入的营地之一, 位于12,在大陆分水岭的1000英尺高处. The site is located four miles off the Alpine Loop and approximately 15 miles from 与叉. 如果你有办法和时间到达这个网站, you will be rewarded with spectacular views and an array of historical structures that give you an excellent idea of what a true mining camp may have looked like. It was established in 1882 and its peak years were through the 1890s and into the 1900s. The winter months and difficulty with transportation into this particular area were to blame for its eventual ruin.

收入隧道 & 弗吉尼亚斯矿

Located just beyond the Revenue Mill and Tunnel are the remains of the 阿特拉斯米尔. It produced 银 and gold from the Atlas Mine from the 1890s until the 1920s.

This town was established in the mid-1880s to serve three very large and rich mines, 的Guston-Robinson, 美国佬女孩, 和Genesee-Vanderbilt. 人口最多的时候是1000人. 多年来,加斯顿拥有该地区唯一的教堂. An old miner donated a mine whistle and the shrieking sound called the surrounding population to church services.


这些以前的采矿城镇有些很小, 只有少数人居住的, 而另一些则有数千名居民.